For many women, simply dieting is not enough to achieve sustainable weight loss. Weight may often creep back on once the diet ends, despite efforts to exercise. Females generally take longer to lose weight than men, and often require a different approach to exercise to support their weight loss goals.
After having a baby, new mothers may find it especially difficult to shed the extra pregnancy pounds – methods that worked previously may no longer be as effective. Due to these factors, women can easily become discouraged and want to give up on exercise altogether. However, there are many effective exercises that can help women lose weight.
Cardio exercise has long been considered one of the best approaches for weight loss in both women and men. Activities as simple as walking can help burn calories without excessive strain. Joining an aerobic group exercise class can be a great way for women to establish a regular exercise routine.
Another option is Kapalbhati Pranayam, a breathing exercise that can be beneficial for overweight women who have trouble with more strenuous physical activity. This technique involves forcefully exhaling through the nose while allowing passive inhalation.
While cardio has traditionally been the go-to for weight loss, strength training is rapidly gaining recognition as an equally, if not more, effective method – especially for women. Building muscle mass helps the body burn more calories, even at rest.
Running is an excellent exercise choice for many women. It is an efficient calorie-burner that also provides cardiovascular benefits, helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and can have positive effects on mood and self-esteem. Running is relatively inexpensive compared to gym memberships or exercise equipment, and the only equipment needed is a good pair of running shoes.
Beyond weight loss, running offers numerous health advantages. It can lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and stroke. There is even evidence that it may help reduce the chances of developing breast cancer. Running also improves cholesterol levels, reduces blood clot risk, and boosts the immune system.
In summary, the best exercises for weight loss and overall health in women include cardio activities like walking and group aerobics, breathing exercises like Kapalbhati Pranayam, strength training, and running. Running in particular stands out as a highly effective, accessible, and health-promoting option for women seeking to lose weight and improve their wellbeing